Beloveth, I have come to realize in life that whatsoever a man soweth he will surely reap
(Gal. 6:7). A man’s past hunt him. God is not a wicked God; there is no one God created barren. The only barren woman in the Bible was Micah and she was barren because she mocked her husband the servant of God (2 Sam. 6:20-24) and also she refused to repent.

Some of the causes of delay in child bearing in some people are:-

-         Family history.

-         Due to their past deeds. They have engaged themselves in businesses that destroy the lives of other people like selling or taking cocaine, Indian hemp, and heroine and so on. These things have made some people mad and have also caused internal problems to others.

-         Some have involved themselves in other people’s inheritance by taking what doesn’t belong to them.

-         Some have shrines in their homes.

-         Some have snatched other people’s spouses and also made them forget their homes completely by bewitching them.

-         Some have aborted pregnancies.

All these things could make God angry and they can close the doors of testimonies.

You need to have a repentant heart and get closer to God.


1.     Ask for forgiveness of sins.

2.     Ask for the blood of Jesus and fire of the Holy Ghost to cleanse from all unfilthiness.

3.     Every good thing that I have lost in the past, Oh God restores them back to me in the name of Jesus.

4.     Powers of darkness using my past mistakes to torment me Oh Lord deliver me, in the name of Jesus.

5.     Every spirit using my past mistakes as avenue to delay my testimonies die, in the name of Jesus.

6.     Every rage of the devil on my past mistakes that is causing trouble in my marriage stop.

7.     Any voice from my past mistakes crying for vengeance Oh Lord delivers me, in the name of Jesus.

8.     Every child that I have killed as a result of my abortions and are now crying for vengeance O God set me free, in the name of Jesus.

9.     Babies that my ancestors have used to appease their gods that are now crying against my destiny be silenced by the mercy of God.

10.            Every dark evil elder supervising my past mistakes and is passing evil judgment against my marriage and my conception die, in the name of Jesus.

11.            Every spell that my mother or grand mother issued against me nakedly break and die, in the name of Jesus.

12.            Every evil word spoken against me by my parents in anger be reversed and die, in the name of Jesus.

13.            Every evil word spoken by anyone in the past against me and has now captured my glory and my testimony die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

14.            Every idol that I have been dedicated to that is now requesting for my worship before I can conceive catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

15.            Everything eaten at any idol shrine, fire of God push it out, in the name of Jesus.

16.            Any evil association that I entered in the past in order to get wealth that has now caged my fruitfulness, Oh Lord deliver me.

17.            Bondage of evil spirit that has tied my womb/reproductive organ as a result of my past covenant with them break and die, in the name of Jesus.

18.            Every unclean spirit that associates themselves with me in my dreams depart from me by fire, in the name of Jesus.

19.            Any hard drug that I had taken as medicine or for pleasure that have destroyed some organs in my body, blood of Jesus repair them.

20.            Everything I had eaten to acquire an evil power that has made me enemies of God, Holy Ghost Fire push it out, in the name of Jesus.

21.            Every blood covenant between me and anyone hindering my conception break and die.

22.            Oh Lord deliver me from the sin of past adultery that is affecting my conception, in the name of Jesus.

23.            Every internal cage and bondage break by fire, in the name of Jesus.

24.            Every filthiness that entered into my body as a result of oral sex be purged by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

25.            Every pollution and sickness that entered my blood and my sperm as a result of abnormal sex with a woman die, in the name of Jesus.

26.            Evil dedication to water goddess that is detaining my testimony in their kingdom, I command your river to dry up by the blood of Jesus.

27.            Glory of my fruitfulness that I have used as a means of exchange in the kingdom of Satan I withdraw it back, in the name of Jesus.

28.            Oh God arise, set my destiny and my testimony free, in the name of Jesus.

29.            Glory hijackers, testimony hijackers release them for me and die, in the name of Jesus.

30.            Power of resurrection revive every dead thing in my blood, heart and body and make me fruitful, in the name of Jesus.

31.            I collect back my destiny and my virtues from evil doers by the power in the blood of Jesus.

32.            I return back every property and dowry of spiritual spouse in my possession, I declare that no more association between us, in the name of Jesus.

33.            I dip my life in the blood of Jesus therefore no red object can snatch my blessing away from me, in the name of Jesus.

34.            By the power of the living God, I recover back my lost opportunity, in the name of Jesus.

35.            With the help of the Most Holy God I shall succeed, in the name of Jesus.

36.            I trample upon failure, bad luck, affliction, setbacks, miscarriages and problem on the day of delivery, in the name of Jesus.

37.            I ask for God’s protection and his fire to surround me and my family, in the name of Jesus.

38.            In my family there shall be no loss of any kind, in the name of Jesus.

39.            I shall sing my song and dance my dance for this wonderful victory God has given to me, in the name of Jesus.

40.            Door of life open to God’s goodness and favour and let the Angel of God guide it.

God I thank you for delivering me from my past mistakes.