Bible Reading: Luke 8:43-48, Ps. 56:1-13,  Jer. 17:44,  Jer. 8:22, Matt. 13:24-30

Confession: Rev. 12:11        

1.           O Lord, I thank you for being alive.

2.           Lord, I thank you for you know the beginning and the end of my life.

3.           O Lord, have mercy upon me in every area of my life.

4.           O Lord, forgive all my sins that open door to problems.

5.           Blood of Jesus wash my life and my body clean.

6.           Holy Ghost Fire, come upon me and consume every evil plantation of the world

7.           Every wicked farmer, assigned to plant evil seed in my tube, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

8.           Witchcraft farmer that has planted the seed of destruction in my tube, let the witch and the seed, die

9.           Every evil plantation that has taken over my tube for destruction, I uproot you by fire in the name of Jesus.

10.         Fibroid in the womb that did not allow pregnancy, dry up and die.

11.         You witchcraft plantation, that is growing in my stomach like stone, be melted away by fire.

12.         Let the hand of God uproot the root of fibroid in my life.

13.         Fire of God, pass through my womb and my tube and burn off every fat that has caused evil growth.

14.         Stubborn fibroid that has spread out in my stomach, shrink and dry up in Jesus name.

15.         Fibroid that has become so big and has become difficult for medical doctor to carry out, be roasted in Jesus name.

16.         Any witchcraft power that wants me to undergo fibroid operation in order for me to die in the process or after the operation, die in my stead in Jesus name

17.         You fibroid that is drying my blood and is making me to lose weight, die to the root.

18.         Any evil thing that is making fibroid to grow in my body, come out and die in Jesus name.

19.         You fibroid that want to damage my womb, die to the root.

20.         You fibroid I command your source to die.

21.         Fibroid that causes miscarriage, be grounded to powder

22.         O hand of God, carry out surgical operation in my body and perfect your work.

23.         O Lord, change my womb, if necessary, for conception to occur in the name of Jesus.

24.         Everything that is difficult for doctors to repair in my body, O God, by your mercy repair them in the name of Jesus.

25.         Ovarian cyst in my womb be punctured.

26.         As I am praying now, my body become fire and let every evil plantation be flushed out in the name of Jesus.

27.         Spirit husband’s sperm, that doctors have confirmed to be fibroid, be evacuated in the name of Jesus.

28.         Stubborn spirit husband, come out of me with all your evil load

29.         Marine spirit luggage inside of me, be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.

30.         Fibroid, I poison you by the blood of Jesus.

31.         Midnight power feeding me with poison in my dream, die by fire.

32.         Any evil food that I have eaten in my dream, that has become fibroid, be evacuated in Jesus name.

33.         Night caterer’s food that cause hypertension and low blood pressure, I vomit you by fire

34.         O finger of God, enter into my intestine and remove all dirty things there in the name of Jesus.

35.         O God, dip your finger into my throat, my chest and remove all the evil worms

36.         O God, put your finger of fire into my stomach and remove every scorpion that is moving around in my body in the name of Jesus.

37.         As I am breathing in through my nose, and breathing out through my mouth, let the fire of the Holy Ghost pushed out every sickness (diseases of the brain, sickness in my body, eyes, bones) in Jesus name.

38.         Grinding machine of the Almighty grind to powder fibroid and ovarian cyst and let my womb be free in the name of Jesus.

39.         Let the blood of Jesus and the healing fire of God, enter into every organ of my body and kill every germ in the name of Jesus

40.         Let the power of God incubate and kill every local and foreign disease in the name of Jesus.

41.         Any curse placed upon my family, that if they refuse to serve the family idol their stomach will be filled with series of problems, die in my life.

42.         I come out of evil family umbrella that causes the affliction of childbearing.

43.         O God that appears suddenly, show yourself in my body for signs and wonders.

44.         I close the door of my womb and uterus against any arrow childlessness.

45.         I disagree with everything that may want to happen for them to remove my womb and tubes in Jesus name.

46.         I have received the mercy of God, He has used His hands to pick out all the fibroids from my womb, in Jesus name.

47.         As I am pressing my tummy/womb, you fibroid you have lost the battle and lose your power in Jesus name.

48.         By the mercy of God my womb has been opened, you my triplet baby – boys and girl, enter in the name of Jesus.

49.         Satanic embargo placed on my childbearing in any form, expire in the name of Jesus.

50.         Power of Possibility of Almighty God, disgrace every impossibility attacking my childbearing in the name of Jesus.