Confession:    Psalm 46: 1-11

Bible Text:     Psalm 56:1-13, 127: 3, Hosea 9:11, Matthew 9: 20-22, Luke 11:9, Mark 11:12.


  My beloved, I want you to relax your mind, for you will have children of your own because you are still alive. When we talk about yokes, it is not what you can see with your naked eyes.  There are physical and there are spiritual yokes. It is a very hard battle. This yoke is like when evil load is being placed on a person’s head.

Yokes can be words spoken through anger, spells, curses, that have been issued against someone that has the potency to tie down their lives. This yoke can be from the mind and it can cause pain, sorrow and daily tears. It can happen to kings, presidents, even pastors, etc.

As strong as a donkey is, when a load like a whole house is put upon it and chains put around its legs, it will never be able to move; that load can even kill it, unless it is set free by lifting the load from off it. If the physical yoke is this hard, what can one say about the spiritual ones which earthly doctors cannot diagnose? It takes only divine intervention for one to be free.

This makes me to remember a lady that put herself in a yoke. The first day she came to me, she asked me to pray for someone to die. I told her God did not call me to kill. She now said, I should give her prayer point to pray for the person to die.  But I told her we are not wrestling against flesh and blood. Curiously, I asked about the person she so desired to kill. She said, she got married fifteen years ago without any child. However, a woman has got three children already for her husband. It was that woman she wanted to kill. I told her to forgive the woman and her husband.  She asked me if she could say something she had kept hidden inside her for a very long time. I told her to go ahead. She told me she was the only child of her parents and her father was dead. She said during her secondary school days in their village, she had a boyfriend that deflowered her and got her pregnant. When her mother got to know about it, she encouraged her to keep the pregnancy because she wanted to see her grandchild. She hearkened to her. When the time came for her to deliver, it was at midnight. Her mother tried to help her, but when she could not, she ran out to call for help. However, before they came back she had delivered a baby boy and the placenta also had come out by itself. But because she saw the baby as something that would hinder the progress and continuation of her studies, she suffocated him to death by blocking his mouth and nostrils. She watched the baby as he struggled to death. When her mother entered, she cried that the enemy had killed her grandson. She did not tell her what she did.

  You might have been in a similar situation where you had to abort because of your career and future goals. Perhaps, you have helped or advised people to abort in the past, this could have incurred Gods anger upon you and your household; nevertheless, ask God for forgiveness so that He can come to your rescue.


PRAYER POINTS                           


1.   O Lord, I thank you for your protection over my life, in the name of Jesus.

2.   O Lord, forgive me of all my sins and have mercy upon me.

3.   Jesus Christ, I thank you because you are the yoke breaker and you will break my yokes today

4.   All my sins that will not let me receive your mercy, O Lord forgive me and wash me clean by the blood of Jesus.

5.   O God of Mercy, have mercy upon me in the name of Jesus.

6.   God of Mercy, be happy to conquer for me and give me victory in the name of Jesus.

7.   O God of Elijah, arise in your power and break every visible and invisible yoke upon my life in the name of Jesus.

8.   Every word of impossibility that has become yoke upon my life, break and die in the name of Jesus.

9.   Yoke of envious witchcraft programmed into my blood, be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.

10. Every yoke of stubborn witchcraft that has been put upon any organ of my body, break by fire in the name of Jesus.

11. Every yoke of barrenness placed upon my marriage by my past lovers, break by fire in the name of Jesus.

12. Anyone that I have jilted in the past that spoke bitterly against my marriage, mercy of God change the words and the situation in the name of Jesus

13. Evil chains that have been used in the spirit realm to tie my tube and womb, break by fire in the name of Jesus

14. Every evil stone that has been put in my womb in the spirit realm, roll out by fire in the name of Jesus

15. Every yoke of barrenness placed upon my life and my spouse by polygamous witchcraft, break and die in the name of Jesus

16. Effigy (carved image, doll, dummy, figure) that has been put in my womb by household enemies, catch fire in the name of Jesus

17. Every yoke of barrenness that has become a family pattern, break and let me go in the name of Jesus

18. Every evil yoke of “like father like son” problem in my marriage, break and let me go in the name of Jesus

19. Every battle of late conception of my mother’s/father’s house, troubling my own life, die

20. Every mysterious battle my mother faced before she could give birth to me, die and let me go in the name of Jesus

21. Every strange gift that I have received, that has become yoke upon my marriage, catch fire and die in the name of Jesus

22. Every evil gift that I have received from anyone and has taken away the glory of my childbearing, release my glory and die in the name of Jesus

23. Any strongman that is not happy that my partner and I got married, that issued curses of barrenness upon our marriage, die with your curses in the name of Jesus

24. Every yoke of spiritual spouse, upon my life and marriage, break by fire in the name of Jesus

25. Every yoke of untimely death put upon my life by spirit husband and spirit wife, break by fire in the name of Jesus

26. Foundational spirit wife that does not allow me to make love with my wife and is making it easy to have sex in the dream, enough is enough, die in the name of Jesus

27. Any evil personality making it impossible for me to have sex with my wife and is making it easy for me to have sex with spirit wife, die in the name of Jesus

28. Yokes of stillbirth that they put upon my head and my womb, release me, break by fire in the name of Jesus

29. Every red object that I see in my dream that has become abortive yokes upon my pregnancy, break by fire in the name of Jesus

30. Anything called red object that has become yoke that causes sorrow and panicking for me when I wake up, break and die in the name of Jesus

31. Any evil transaction between me and the person that deflowered me that has become yokes  and formed covenants in my life, break by fire in the name of Jesus

32. Any charm, divination, enchantment and incantation that has been programmed into my spirit by the wicked elders, come out by fire, go back to your senders in the name of Jesus

33. Evil yokes that I put upon myself as a result of past pregnancy precautions and abortions, break by fire in the name of Jesus

34. Every yoke of hardship, hard life, poverty, bad luck, slavery cast upon my life because I did not worship the idol of my father’s house, break and die in the name of Jesus

35. As I am jumping up and praying, I command the fire of deliverance to fall upon me and break every yoke by fire in the name of Jesus

36. Yokes of infirmity, as I am praying and also shaking my body, be crushed to pieces in the name of Jesus

37. Pick from the list below, input the options into the prayer point and pray fervently;

   By the mercy of God and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the yoke of innocent blood that is crying against me through …………. in the name of Jesus.

a) Abortion                                                               d) Shedding of blood

b) Rituals                                                                  e) Idolatry

   c) Taking someone for abortion                               f)  Assistance in carrying out abortion.


38. Break the following yokes: (I break the yoke of …..)

(1)High Polatin                                            (4) Fruitless sexual intercourse

(2)Hormonal imbalance                               (5)Low sperm count

(3)  Inability to ejaculate                               (6) Staphylococcus