Prayer point

1.      O God I thank you because I am alive only by your grace.

2.      O God forgive me of all my sins and have mercy on me in Jesus name.

3.      You heaven of my prayers open now and never close again in the name of Jesus.

4.      Holy Ghost fire, arise and fight for me in Jesus name.

5.      Let the fire of the Holy Ghost, waste all my enemies in Jesus name.

6.      Let the bulldozer of God, pull down every room of darkness I am caged in, in Jesus name.

7.      Let the hand of God, uproot every evil tree that has harbor my glory of fruitfulness in Jesus name.

8.      Let every dark room of witchcraft, that is harboring my reproductive organ, be set ablaze in Jesus name.

9.      Every evil instrument, used to collect my sperm in the spirit realm thereby making my sperm unproductive in real life, catch fire in Jesus name.

10.  Every evil pot used to cook my sperm/egg in witchcraft coven, let the pot and the cook be roasted by fire in Jesus name.

11.  Let every witchcraft abattoir, where the enemies take me to, to abort my pregnancies in the spirit realm, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name.

12.  Let every room of darkness of my father’s house where my image, glory and the glory of my unborn children are locked catch fire in Jesus name.

13.  Every chain of darkness tying me down, and preventing me from moving forward, catch fire in Jesus name.

14.  Strongman of darkness, using the glory of my fruitfulness, fall down and die in Jesus name.

15.  Every ancient room in my family lineage, that has caged all the destiny children in my family, I come out of you in Jesus name.

16.  You my unborn children, hear the voice of your mother/father, come out of any ancient dark room you are locked up in, in Jesus name.

17.  I pull out my children (male and female), with their glory from the lion’s den in Jesus name.

18.  Every good thing stolen from my life, and has been taken to the grave by a dead relative, you grave open and vomit them by fire in Jesus name.

19.  Every idol power house in my village, where names of unborn generations are dedicated, catch fire in Jesus name.

20.  Every dark room in my family compound that requires blood, to gain access into it and is now requesting for the blood of my pregnancy, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name.

21.  Every dark room, that is requesting for blood and where the images of myself and my husband are caged, catch fire, in Jesus name.

22.  Any carved image that is representing me in the dark room, that they are burning and is affecting my health, scatter in Jesus name.

23.  Any strongman that says he will not let me go unless he takes my life, be roasted by fire in Jesus name.

24.  Every satanic barber that has shaved the hair on my head, armpit or pubic area, and is using it against me, catch fire in Jesus name.

25.  Any evil priest that has access to my fingernails, toes nails and sanitary pads and has placed it on an evil altar, let the priest and the evil altar catch fire in Jesus name.

26.  Let the power of the most high that took the Israelites out of Egypt take me out of slavery room in Jesus name.

27.  By the power that brought Jonah out of the belly of fish, O God, pull me out of the room of darkness in Jesus name.

28.  Every dark elder, using my glory and my body to prolong their years, O Lord set me free and let them die in Jesus name.

29.  Strongman of darkness, that has swallowed my glory and the glory of my unborn children, vomit them now and die in Jesus name.

30.  Any power or padlock, where my pregnancy is being locked up, thereby preventing my pregnancy from advancing, break open and catch fire in Jesus name.

31.  Every wicked spirit, using my mother or any relative against me die, in Jesus name.

32.  I jump out of the bondage of my mother, you my mother, jump out of me, in Jesus name.

33.  Every spirit that did not allow my father to enjoy his marriage and is now troubling my life, leave my life alone in Jesus name.

34.  I break loose from the grip of spirit husband/wife in Jesus name.

35.  Powers tying me down in the dark room of life, loose me and let me go, die in Jesus name.

36.  Pray the following prayers by jumping up and using your hands to break:  By fire, by force, I break and jump out of:

a)      the rooms of darkness

b)      the hands of the slave drivers

c)      the midst of familiar spirit.

d)     witchcraft coven.

e)      the hands of glory killers

f)       evil association

g)      long time problems

h)       inordinate affections

i)        All-round failure

j)        Shame and disgrace

k)      repeated miscarriages

l)        the grip of iron-like curses

m)    like mother like daughter problems

n)      like father like son problems.

o)      Under evil umbrellas of my father’s house.

p)      Under closed heaven

37.)     Then prophesy like this:

q)       I withdraw all my lost blessings from the room of darkness.

r)       I withdraw my fragmented body.

s)       Joy of marriage

t)       Lost opportunities

u)      Glory of my life

v)      Fruitfulness

w)    Wasted years

x)      Womb

y)      Ovulation

38.)            I am pregnant with babies.  No more blood until the day of delivery.