Bible Readings: Ezekiel 37:1-11,lsaiah 60:1-3, Psalm 47:1-3, 51, 72:18-19,Jeremiah 29:11-13, Isaiah 8:9-10, Jeremiah 1:4-10 

1.      Praise waiteth for thee, O Cod, in Zion and unto thee shall the Vow be performed, O thou that hearest prayer unto thee shall all flesh come.

2.      I am as a wonder unto many, but thou art my strong refuge, let my mouth be filled with thy praise and thy honour all the day in Jesus name.

3.      Blessed be the Lord Cod, the God of MFM, who doeth wondrous things and blessed be His glorious name forever.

4.      O clap your hands all the people, shout unto God with the voice of triumph; He shall subdue the people under us    and

nations under our feet in Jesus name.

5.      Be merciful unto me, O Cod be merciful unto me, for my soul trusteth in thee, yea, the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge in Jesus name.

6.        When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back, this I know, for Cod is for me. Lord, I thank you for all thy promises. In Jesus name.

7.      Heaven over my prayer and answers to my prayer, open unto me, in the name of Jesus.

8.      My heaven that has been closed as a result of unconfessed sin, open by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

9.      In the name of Jesus, I receive new power and strength to function in my calling in Jesus name.

10.    You dry bone in my destiny, be revived by fire in Jesus name.

11.    You dry bone in my calling, receive Cod's inspiration in Jesus name.

12.    O Lord let your word become fire in my bones and like a hammer in mouth to break the house of my family                                                                                                                                                                  idolin Jesus


13.    Every strongman of darkness that fired arrow of disaster against my calling, fall down and die in Jesus name.

14.    Every strongman of my mother's house that wants to punish me for my mother's iniquity, die in the name of Jesus.

15.    You strongman that has carried evil consultation on my star and wants to harm me, die in Jesus name.

16.    Any strongman who has consulted evil oracle and wants to make me stray from the way of the Lord, die, in the name of Jesus.

17.    Every strongman that says no one else will rise with great glory in my family, you are a liar, die by fire in Jesus name.

18.    Every idolatrous strongman that says my being alive is disturbing them kill yourself and die in Jesus name.

19.    Every herbalist that is worshipped in my family, and has become fearful in the family, my life is not for you, die by fire in Jesus name.

20.    Strongman in my family that has raised evil altar against the altar of God be roasted by fire in Jesus name.

21.    Every strongman in my family, quenching the fire of God on my altar of prayer, perish and die, in the name of Jesus.

22.    Every strange anointing upon my head that wants me to start well and end in shame and disgrace dry up and die now, in the name of Jesus.

23.    Every curse placed upon my life in my former church that I will not excel, break and die in Jesus name.

24.    Every curse that is confronting my calling and is fighting the call of God upon my life, break and die in Jesus name.

25.    Every evil dedication of my destiny by my parents according to their religion, that is affecting my calling, die, in the name of Jesus.

26.    O Lord, deliver me by fire in the name of Jesus.

27.    Every strange dedication to marine spirits that is making me to have sex in the dream, even as a minister, die, in the name of Jesus.

28.    Every evil dedication to the marine kingdom that is making me to lust after strange woman /other men, break and die in Jesus name.

29.    Evil dedication to any idol that is making me to eat in the dream, break and die, in the name of Jesus.

30.   Every evil covenant that I have entered with familiar spirit through evil food in the dream, break and die, in the name of Jesus.

31.   Every demon from any T-junction that has been bringing sacrifices to me in the dream as food, in order to pollute my calling, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

32.    Demonic food that has been killing the strength of my prayer life, come out and die in Jesus name.

33.   Every evil pot in my father's compound that has been used to cover my placenta, break to piece and die by fire in Jesus name.

34.    Every placenta bondage that tied down my spirit man, break and release me in Jesus name.

35.    Every placenta covenant with my ancestors that tied my destiny to idol, my life is not for sale, break and die in Jesus name.

36.    Every placenta covenant that does not allow the Holy Spirit in my family, my life is not for you, break and die in Jesus name.

37.    Heavenly contractors, open ways for my calling to come out, in Jesus name.

38.    Every evil work of the enemy that wants me to carry another person's battle, scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.

39.   Every sickness that witches have put in my body to break my prayer altar and my prayer life in order to capture me, dry up and die in Jesus name.

40.    O God arise and kill the Goliath of my calling that has been sucking the anointing of God in Jesus name.

41.    Different kinds of afflictions in my foundation that do not give me peace in the work of God, die in Jesus name.

42.    Every spiritual sickness in my ministry and calling, come out and die by fire in Jesus name.

43.    Every sickness waiting for my future to force me into isolation, die while waiting in Jesus name.

44.    Evil involvement to in diabolical means to receive power and anointing is not my portion in Jesus name.

45.    Every spirit of untruthfulness and greed that destroyed the life of Gehazi, come out of my life in Jesus name.

46.   Every arrow fired by the enemy in the dream that has blindfolded my spiritual eyes and deafen my spiritual ears, come out of me and die in Jesus name.

47.   Every arrow fired at my image that has paralyzed my calling and my ministry, come out,go deafened back to sender in Jesus name.

48.   Every arrow fired against me in the dream that has made my calling a history, I shake you out of my body, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.

49.   Every familiar spirit, queen of the coast, queen of heaven that has turned my spiritual altar to their playing ground, be roasted by fire Jesus name.

50.    I break myself free from manipulation and pollution of witchcraft powers, occultic powers, evil priests in the name of Jesus.

51.   You powers of the spirit of untimely death that wants to kill me and scatter my life, I use the blood of Jesus to chase you away in Jesus name.

52.    Every wicked power that wants me to misbehave in order to tarnish the image of MFM, die by fire in Jesus name.

53.    Every arrow of spiritual slumber, fired against my life through eating in the dream, come out by fire in Jesus name.

54.    Every strongman attacking the members of my church with sickness and infirmity, die by fire in Jesus name.

55.   O God of the suddenly, the God of MFM, remember your covenant and rekindle your fire of revival in our church in Jesus name.

56.    You my church receive anointing and become a solution ground to all problem in Jesus name.

57.   Every environmental power on assignment to break the wall of protection of the church and make it desolate, be roasted by fire and die in Jesus name.

58.    Every power that wants to quench the light of God in my life and in the church of God, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

59.    Every enemy of Dr. D.K Olukoya and his family, your plan will never materialize; die by fire, in Jesus name.

60.    Dr D.K. Olukoya, you will not die, your ministry will not fail and you will not have any cause to regret in Jesus name.