Bible Texts: Ps. 91:1-16, Ps.78:6-7, Ps. 5:1-19,Ps. 89:20-29, Ps. 113:1-9

1.      Everlasting God, I thank you for your faithfulness upon my life.

2.      O Lord, I thank you for your word of fruitfulness that came to pass over my life in the name of Jesus.

3.      Lord, I give you praise, for you have chosen my body to use for your glory.

4.      Lord, I thank you for allowing this baby to come to this world through me in Jesus name.

5.     O Lord, every sin that I have committed in the past, that can pollute the foundation of this baby, Father, forgive me.

6.      Blood of Jesus, wash my life out of dirtiness.

7.      O Lord, have mercy upon me and on the baby in my womb.

8.   By the power of God that put this baby in my womb, I will not deliver you as a dead child in Jesus name.

9.      I receive divine immunization for me and my baby in Jesus name.

10. Any power that wants to dry up the seed of God in my life, die.

11. You twins in my womb, hear the word of the Lord, you will not die, but I will give birth to you alive in Jesus name.

12. You babies in my womb, reject the authority of evil spirits in Jesus name.

13. Every wicked power that wants to change the destiny of my male/female child in my womb, run mad and die

14.   Every stubborn witch that is chasing me and the baby in my dream, in order to kill us, run mad and die.

15. Any evil strongman that drinks the blood of pregnant women in my environment, my life is not for you, drink your own blood and die.

16. Idol power in my family that collects baby's blood from the womb between the first trimester of

pregnancy, my life is not your candidate, die in Jesus name.

17. Blood sucking demon in my husband's family that collects baby's blood from the womb in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, my life is not for you, die

18. Household strongman seeking for a day old baby to use for sacrifice, run mad and die

19. Every arrow of sickness, fired into my body in order to destroy or cause damages to the liver of my baby, backfire

20.   Any evil altar where they put my image in order to harm me and my baby, catch fire now in Jesus name.

21. You arrow that has been fired into the placenta, that can cause tragedy on the day of my delivery, come out and die.

22. I kill every sickness that kills baby at infancy in my unborn baby now in the name of Jesus.

23. Every night caterer that is giving me food in the dream that wants to cause incomplete development in my unborn baby, die with your food in the name of Jesus.

24. Every problem that some people had passed through in my family, that kills mother and unborn baby, depart from me.

25. You masquerade spirit that is pursuing me in my dream, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

26. By the power of God that put baby inside a woman's womb and it does not affect or harm the woman, perfect your work in my life.

27. Let the angel of God surround me and fight for me.

28.   Every idol altar and priest that kills glorious children in my family, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

29. You spirit of stillbirth, what are you doing in my life, fall down and die.

30. Every necromancer, going to the cemetery in order to kill me, you are a liar, die.

31. You principality and powers that have seen the glory of my unborn baby, perish by fire in the name of Jesus.

32. Any strongman that has prepared padlock to lock my private part on the day of my delivery, die.

33. Every dream and prophecy that I will die with my pregnancy, I reject you, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

34. I reject ectopic pregnancy and my womb will not be bewitched in the name of Jesus.

35. Insanity after childbirth, I reject you in my life, die.

36.  You evil power that killed Rachel in the room of delivery and prevented her from seeing Benjamin, my life is not your candidate, depart from my life, in the name of Jesus.

37.  Evil news and wicked power that caused Ichabod's mother to fall into untimely labour and killed her, my life is not your candidate, die.

38.  God's curses upon Eli's household will not manifest in my life and in my children's in the name of Jesus.

39.  Spirit of disobedience and stubbornness, that made God to curse the children of Eli, you will not possess my children in the name of Jesus.

40.  Arrow of stillbirth and premature birth, fired against me, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.

41.  Every evil lion roaring against me in the dream, thou Lion of Judah, tear them into pieces in the name of Jesus

42.  Any satanic cow that want to hit my pregnancy in the dream, collide with the Rock of Ages in the name of Jesus.

43.  Every witchcraft butcher assigned to slaughter me and my baby, O God of Elij ah, appear and destroy them in the name of Jesus

44.  Any power expecting evil news from my husband on my delivery day, die with your expectation.

45.  My day of delivery shall not be my date of death in the name of Jesus

46.  My husband and I shall not die, but live to train our children together in the name of Jesus.

47.  My child shall not be exchanged by satanic nurses.

48.  Lord, give us heavenly resources to train our children in the way of the Lord.

Pick from the under listed one after the other and pray fervently:

49.            I destroy wicked powers responsible for these diseases that affect babies before or after delivery.

(a) Cleft lip and cleft palate: meaning - birth defects that occur when a baby's lip or mouth do not form properly

(b) Cerebral palsv: meaning - refers to a group of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination.

(c)  Down Syndrome: meaning - is a condition in which extra genetic material causes delay in the way a child develops.

(d) Spina bifida:meaning - is when a baby's spine and spinal cord do not develop properly in the womb causing a gap in the spine.

(e)  Cvsticfibrosis: meaning - is a progressive genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time.

(f) Congenital heart defect: meaning - is a problem in the structure of the heart that is present at birth

(g) Newborn jaundice :meaning - This is very common and can occur when babies have a high level of yellow pigment (bilirubin) in the blood.

(h) Hvdrocephalus: meaning - It occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes brain to swell.



Gestational diabetes: Is a condition in which a woman without diabetes develops high blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

Pregnancy induced Hypertension: Which may also be called “Pre-eclampsia”, is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure, swelling due to fluid retention and protein in urine.

Placenta Previa: Aplacenta disease that is characterized by placenta attachment to the uterine wall close to or covering the cervix.

Placenta abruption: Is separation of the placenta from the uterus caused by various causes.

Low Ammotic Fluid: If the placenta is not providing enough blood and nutrients to the baby, then the baby may stop recycling fluid.

50.  I receive the anointing of the Hebrew women to carry my pregnancy and to deliver safely in the name of Jesus.